Administration of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines was not associated with an adverse effect on stimulation or early pregnancy outcomes after IVF.
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Author: Chaya Rothschild, Andrologist
Administration of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines was not associated with an adverse effect on stimulation or early pregnancy outcomes after IVF.
Continue ReadingI’ve been avidly watching 9 Months with Courteney Cox on Facebook Watch since Season 1. It’s one of the best pregnancy journey shows I’ve ever seen. Courteney Cox, best known as Monica on Friends, had her own journey to parenthood with recurrent pregnancy loss before having her daughter Coco through IVF. Some of the couples …
Continue ReadingMy husband was watching The Rookie (Season 1 Episode 13 · Caught Stealing), and my ears perk up when I hear the words “fertility center.” Plot line is a lesbian couple that separated, and one partner stole the embryos from the center. There are two great aspects of talk about here, and both get a …
Continue ReadingWhen Private Life came out in 2018, it got a ton of media attention for being a movie that not only addressed the elephant of infertility but was actually about infertility. Infertility was not a subplot or a punchline, it was represented in-depth of how consuming it is to the people living the experience. So …
Continue ReadingFor anyone who has met me, I am a very passionate individual. If you get me on a roll about a topic that interests me, it can sometimes be hard to slow me down. One topic I can talk about endlessly is the representation of infertility in the media. I get incredibly excited when I …
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