Holiday craziness, every day stress, work….all of these things can contribute to your sexual health.
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Author: Cruise Dittus, MA
Holiday craziness, every day stress, work….all of these things can contribute to your sexual health.
Continue ReadingRecent studies on the prevalence of erectile dysfunction have consistently shown one thing. A large percentage of men who have erectile dysfunction do not seek treatment. Why not? Well, some men are embarrassed while others just want a quick and easy fix. This is where the recent prevalence of online doctors prescribing online meds comes …
Continue ReadingIt has now been three years since we implemented Low Intensity Shockwave Therapy as a treatment option for men suffering from Erectile Dysfunction. We are very happy to say that not only have we seen a very stable trend in terms of success, but we have also begun employing it in treatment for Peyronie’s Disease …
Continue ReadingPOIS is a rare syndrome that many people aren’t even aware exists. POIS stands for Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome. The symptoms of POIS occur anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours after ejaculation. These symptoms typically last between 3-7 days. Symptoms are often flu-like in nature. They can include, but are not limited …
Continue ReadingWhen we think about ejaculatory dysfunction, most people think of premature ejaculation. But we should also consider Delayed Ejaculation (DE). As the name implies, delayed ejaculation is where men have difficulty reaching climax, or perhaps can’t get there at all. Men are often praised for being able to last longer, but as any man with …
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