A New Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction?

We are really excited about a new treatment option for men who suffer from ED, — LI-ESWT (Low Intensity- Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy).   LI-ESWT is a relatively new, painless method for treatment of ED. It has been proven, in the past 10 years, to be extremely effective in improving ED in most men. The …

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Foods that can actually increase your libido

Who doesn’t love a romantic, home cooked dinner featuring some foods that can actually increase your libido? According to Jennifer R Berman MD, the director the Bermans Women’s Wellness Center in Beverly Hills California “there is a growing body of evidence that some of the vitamins and components in food can enhance sexual function and …

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“Prostatepedia” – Resources for Prostate Cancer Patients and their Partners

I was honored recently to be interviewed for “Prostatepedia” a wonderful periodical designed for prostate cancer patients and their partners. Each issue deals with one of the many facets of prostate cancer which presents challenges in decision making and treatment options. In this interview, I discussed sexual function issues, including erectile dysfunction, following prostate cancer …

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