How to Bottom Safely and Enjoyably

For anyone who does not know, the label “Bottom,” refers to a man who participates in passive anal sex.  A “Top” is the active participant.  There are many men who take to bottoming like a duck to water, never have and issue or injury and would not understand what all the fuss is about.  On …

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A Year in The Life

Here we are – 13+ months into the pandemic. Many of us can’t believe it’s been a year and then some. Anniversaries – whether they mark occasions that are happy or sad – are generally a time to reflect on the past and to look forward. But how often do you really contemplate your sexuality …

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Orgasm Disorders: Anhedonia

Problems with orgasms, while not as common as other sexual disorders, are some of the most frustrating sexual health issues around. To be clear, we are talking about orgasms, not ejaculations. An orgasm is the euphoric feeling that occurs primarily in the brain and is a sudden release of a cocktail of hormones and chemicals. …

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The Lonely Man: A National Epidemic

The first time I meet with a patient, I try to take a snapshot of what’s going on in his life. We find out about the relationships, family history, sexual history, and generally find out who they are. One of my last questions is “Who are the intimate friendships in your life – The guys …

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Why Do Some Men Continue to Look and Feel Young?

The short answer is that there’s a strong correlation between testosterone levels and overall sexual health. Testosterone is  a key hormone that contributes to looking and feeling younger.  More specifically, testosterone plays one of the most important roles in a man’s overall vitality and sexual pleasure. Men’s testosterone levels often peak during adolescence and early …

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