Ejaculation vs. Orgasm…what’s the difference?

When it comes to talking about sex, our culture struggles with understanding terminology and definitions. Using words and meaning are necessary for clear communication. If we are not able to communicate clearly, we are not able to explain accurately what is going on with our bodies. If we are not using the words correctly the …

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Penile Rehabilitation – Fact or Fiction?       

About 12 years ago, a significant change was taking place in treatment of men following prostate surgery. Prostate surgeons began to respond to men who were experiencing significant side effects from prostate surgery. The voices of prostate cancer survivors were growing louder and louder regarding the side effects. These side effects were simply unacceptable because …

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Time Under Tension

Those of you who work out might be familiar with the expression “time under tension, or TuT” According to Men’s Journal, TuT “refers to how long a muscle is under strain during a set.” This can be a very effective way to strengthen your biceps and quads, but what about a relationship under quarantine? For …

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