Three Things To Know Before Getting a Vasectomy

Nearly half a million American men get vasectomies every year. As with any medical procedure, it’s important to be informed before deciding whether a vasectomy is right for you. Read on to discover what you need to know before your vasectomy. 1) A vasectomy is considered a permanent sterilization procedure. It’s true that a vasectomy …

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Defining Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (also called rapid ejaculation/early ejaculation) is the most common of all sexual function disorders. It affects one out of three men. And even though it is incredibly common, there is not much discussion about it, there is a lot of shame surrounding it, and an enormous level of misunderstanding. Let’s start with definitions. …

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Premature Ejaculation: Treating the Mind & Body

Because premature ejaculation (PE) is such a common condition, people have been seeking treatments for millennia. Even the ancient Chinese were trying to deal with it. Fangzhongshu is a compendium of sexual skills and methods. Skills to control ejaculation are part of this ancient work. PE is hardly a modern invention! Yet modern health care …

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The Role of Sex Education

One of the shortcomings of American healthcare (and I think a reflection of the American culture in general) is that specialties have evolved to become expert in a specific topic. This has produced a level of expertise in subjects that is simply amazing. Specialization has resulted in turning HIV into a managed disease, making leukemia …

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