Water Bottles & Low Testosterone

We need to drink water to survive. In fact, our bodies are approximately 60% water, and every cell in our body uses it. Water regulates temperature, removes waste, aids in digestion, and prevents dehydration. Without it, we could not digest and absorb our vitamins and minerals, yet most of us don’t drink enough daily. In …

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Is Sleep Apnea Affecting your erections?

A large number of men around the world are affected by Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), which is documented to affect many parts of daily life such as wakefulness, quality of life, and unfortunately, erectile function. Considering about one third of our lives is spent sleeping, a large portion of that can be spent in a …

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Can sperm count be related to your diet?

Today, we often forget (or ignore) how food affects our health. Food is fuel and there is something to the adage, “you are what you eat.” Our food provides important vitamins, minerals and nutrients which are needed for our bodily processes to work correctly. Food intake has been linked to chronic diseases such as obesity, …

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Low Testosterone Levels? Get Some Sleep!

It’s safe to say most people know that getting the right amount of sleep can help with just about everything, but quality of sleep also matters and should not be overlooked. Some might even say it is better to have six hours of high-quality sleep than eight hours of poor-quality sleep. Either way, depriving yourself …

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