Late Night Binge: Habit or Hunger?

Late night snacking is one of the number one problems with America’s eating habits today. Cookies and milk after dinner, bowl of popcorn while watching your Wednesday night sitcoms, a handful of M&M’s from the dining room candy bowl. It all adds up, and increases blood sugar before bedtime, which in turn will cause you …

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What Should I Eat For Breakfast?

Some of the most frequently asked questions in the fitness industry are “Should I eat breakfast” and “What should I eat for breakfast?” As you all have probably heard a million times before, breakfast is absolutely the most important meal of the day, but starting the day with the proper macronutrients to set yourself up …

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“Prostatepedia” – Resources for Prostate Cancer Patients and their Partners

I was honored recently to be interviewed for “Prostatepedia” a wonderful periodical designed for prostate cancer patients and their partners. Each issue deals with one of the many facets of prostate cancer which presents challenges in decision making and treatment options. In this interview, I discussed sexual function issues, including erectile dysfunction, following prostate cancer …

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Why More Exercise Could Mean Less Money Spent

I recently read a study called the “Economic Impact of Moderate-Vigorous Physical Activity Among Those With and Without Established Cardiovascular Disease” and the findings were astonishing. Individuals with Cardiovascular Disease that did not participate in any sort of moderate-vigorous activity, were spending on average close to $14,000/year in healthcare expenses, with the largest percentage of …

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