The Emotional Effects of Peyronie’s Disease

Frankly, Peyronie’s Disease is one of those things that men have never even heard of – until it happens to them. There are no commercials about it to pique your interest. There are no products at GNC. There are no spokesmen. It’s completely in the closet. Until the day, like some men, you wake up …

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You Don’t Need to Come Out to Us.

We know that men have sex with men for many reasons and under many circumstances. Gay men’s primary sexual and romantic relationships are with other men. Some men identify as bisexual or pansexual. Other men may exclusively be in romantic relationships with women while also having sexual experiences with men. Regardless of the social labels, …

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Gay Sexual Medicine

I am often surprised when I am asked if we offer Gay Sexual Medicine (as if who a person has sex with determines sexual function). The short answer is “Yes,” but then I am really uncomfortable with that answer too! We work in Sexual Medicine – Period. Gay, bi, straight, pansexual, asexual, omnisexual, whatever – …

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Sex Hormone Binding Globulin & Low T

If you’re having significant symptoms of low testosterone including low libido, decreased energy and decreased concentration, it’s important to have a complete hormone panel done in order to identify all possible causes. This means looking beyond the amount of testosterone circulating in the bloodstream, to include your SHBG levels. The problem with the protein SHBG is once testosterone is bound to it, it becomes unavailable for cells to use. A complete panel can help identify this and help your doctor determine the proper level of total testosterone for you.

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In western medicine, we often look for a simple cure to anything that ails us. We get sick, we take a pill. We have pain, we take a pill. We have ED, we take a pill. The problem is, real health care is often far more entangled and involved than that. The factors that can …

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