No Man Is An Island…

There is an oft quoted poem by John Donne, written in 1624. The first lines are: “No man is an island, Entire of itself. Each is a piece of the continent, A part of the main.” (As an interesting side note, the last line of this same poem gave Earnest Hemingway the title of his …

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Best Way To Lose Fat & Build Muscle? Lift Weights.

Did you know that excess abdominal fat can cause changes in hormone levels which potentially can cause changes in sex drive and energy, and increase the likelihood of infertility. In a recent study, researchers found that participants who engaged in a regular weight training routine while cutting calories, lost more body fat and preserved more …

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Shockwave Therapy After Prostatectomy is Effective

An article in Translational Urology and Andrology (2020:9:1559-65) evaluated the effectiveness of  Low Intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (LI-ESWT) in improving Sexual Function (SF) after men had undergone a radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer. The intervention group underwent Low Intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (LI-ESWT) as opposed to the control group. Sexual Function was investigated …

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Online ED Medications…Are They Safe?

Recent studies on the prevalence of erectile dysfunction have consistently shown one thing. A large percentage of men who have erectile dysfunction do not seek treatment. Why not? Well, some men are embarrassed while others just want a quick and easy fix. This is where the recent prevalence of online doctors prescribing online meds comes …

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Low T — what does it mean?

As low “T” commercials become more common and more men are having their levels tested, a frequent question asked is: “Is my testosterone level normal?” Truth be told, there is no correct answer for this. Normal for you may be different than normal for me. However, we have enough experience to know what these results mean.

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