The Emotional Effects of Peyronie’s Disease

Frankly, Peyronie’s Disease is one of those things that men have never even heard of – until it happens to them. There are no commercials about it to pique your interest. There are no products at GNC. There are no spokesmen. It’s completely in the closet. Until the day, like some men, you wake up …

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Always Late To The Party?

Delayed Ejaculation is far more common than most people realize. The inability or difficulty in reaching climax through sexual activity affects most men at some point in their life. Prevalence is difficult to determine because diagnosis is even more difficult. In our work, it is probably safe to say that one in four men has …

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A Year in The Life

Here we are – 13+ months into the pandemic. Many of us can’t believe it’s been a year and then some. Anniversaries – whether they mark occasions that are happy or sad – are generally a time to reflect on the past and to look forward. But how often do you really contemplate your sexuality …

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