Orgasm Disorders: Anhedonia

Problems with orgasms, while not as common as other sexual disorders, are some of the most frustrating sexual health issues around. To be clear, we are talking about orgasms, not ejaculations. An orgasm is the euphoric feeling that occurs primarily in the brain and is a sudden release of a cocktail of hormones and chemicals. …

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The Lonely Man: A National Epidemic

The first time I meet with a patient, I try to take a snapshot of what’s going on in his life. We find out about the relationships, family history, sexual history, and generally find out who they are. One of my last questions is “Who are the intimate friendships in your life – The guys …

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Time Under Tension

Those of you who work out might be familiar with the expression “time under tension, or TuT” According to Men’s Journal, TuT “refers to how long a muscle is under strain during a set.” This can be a very effective way to strengthen your biceps and quads, but what about a relationship under quarantine? For …

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P.O.I.S. Syndrome

POIS is a rare syndrome that many people aren’t even aware exists. POIS stands for Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome.  The symptoms of POIS occur anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours after ejaculation. These symptoms typically last between 3-7 days. Symptoms are often flu-like in nature. They can include, but are not limited …

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How Does Ejaculation Work?

An ejaculation is an amazing process. The act of ejaculating is the foundation of the survival of our species. Perhaps that is why men seem to be so interested in it. I often feel that we have a strong primal attachment to this sexual experience. It is as if it is the ultimate display of …

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