Does Your Tribe Dictate Your Sexual Vibe?

Everyone is raised with a set of values, which usually are dictated by one or more of the following: familial, cultural, ethnic, religious or societal beliefs. These values are applied to how we’re expected to carry ourselves in the world and how we engage with others. Our caregivers deliver both explicit and implicit messages to …

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Viagra vs. Birth Control

Several months ago, I was sitting at the bar of my favorite watering hole, sipping a beer and waiting for dinner. A woman sat down next to me and struck up a conversation (which is completely appropriate for this small New England village). It was not long before I learned she was involved in local …

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Penile Injections with an Auto-Injector

Penile Injections for Erectile Dysfunction are much more common than people may think. They are an extremely effective treatment option that many of our patients at Maze use. Our patients have shared that the option of using an auto-injector was never discussed at previous Men’s Health Clinics or Urologists they have gone to. This is …

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Three Things To Know Before Getting a Vasectomy

Nearly half a million American men get vasectomies every year. As with any medical procedure, it’s important to be informed before deciding whether a vasectomy is right for you. Read on to discover what you need to know before your vasectomy. 1) A vasectomy is considered a permanent sterilization procedure. It’s true that a vasectomy …

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Is there a link between porn and erectile dysfunction?

One of the most common concerns I hear from patients is regarding the use of pornography and masturbation. There is a lot of buzz on the Internet these days about the idea of porn addiction and websites devoted to “Porn-induced erectile dysfunction.” The topic causes a lot of anxiety and concern. I hear parents worrying …

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