Which ED Medication is right for me?

Here at Maze Men’s Health, we treat Erectile Dysfunction (ED) in a variety of ways. The most common way to treat (not cure) ED is with oral medications. These drugs are fast-acting, taking anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours for peak effect. Oral medications are also the least invasive way for achieving an adequate …

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Can Yoga Help With ED?

For men who are trying to improve their ability to get and maintain an erection, there are great at-home options for improving penile health. It is widely understood that exercise of any kind will improve just about all functions in the body, resulting in faster metabolism, stronger muscles, healthier vascular tissue, etc. Erectile function can …

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Water Bottles & Low Testosterone

We need to drink water to survive. In fact, our bodies are approximately 60% water, and every cell in our body uses it. Water regulates temperature, removes waste, aids in digestion, and prevents dehydration. Without it, we could not digest and absorb our vitamins and minerals, yet most of us don’t drink enough daily. In …

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