Online ED Medications…Are They Safe?

Recent studies on the prevalence of erectile dysfunction have consistently shown one thing. A large percentage of men who have erectile dysfunction do not seek treatment. Why not? Well, some men are embarrassed while others just want a quick and easy fix. This is where the recent prevalence of online doctors prescribing online meds comes …

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Low T — what does it mean?

As low “T” commercials become more common and more men are having their levels tested, a frequent question asked is: “Is my testosterone level normal?” Truth be told, there is no correct answer for this. Normal for you may be different than normal for me. However, we have enough experience to know what these results mean.

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What To Know Before Getting A Vasectomy

Nearly half a million American men get vasectomies every year. As with any medical procedure, it’s important to be informed before deciding whether a vasectomy is right for you. Read on to discover what you need to know before your vasectomy… 1) A vasectomy is considered a permanent sterilization procedure. It’s true that a vasectomy …

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ED under 50? Call your doctor now!

It has been known for several years now, that erectile dysfunction (ED) is often a harbinger of serious medical issues for men. But in an August 2012 Mayo Clinic Study it was found that men with ED, aged 40-49, were fifty times more likely to have a heart attack than their peers who had no ED. FIFTY times! That’s incredible! This means that having ED figures more into the risk of heart failure than obesity, smoking, cholesterol and family history! In other words, the younger you are, if you have ED, the greater the need for you to go to your doctor.

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