In western medicine, we often look for a simple cure to anything that ails us. We get sick, we take a pill. We have pain, we take a pill. We have ED, we take a pill. The problem is, real health care is often far more entangled and involved than that. The factors that can …

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Pride: It’s About Dignity

At first glance, the LGBTQIA+ Pride celebrations that mark each June appear to be about vanity. While the rainbow flags and feather boas fly, the essence of pride lies a little deeper below the surface. Pride is about dignity. People of gender and sexual minorities need to continue amplifying their voices to obtain the same …

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Is your lifestyle causing infertility?

Infertility is an issue that affects millions of American couples. It is often seen as a female problem, even though millions of men have sought out the services of a fertility expert in the past decade. Many men do not realize that behaviors in their day to day life may be decreasing the presence and quality of their sperm. So, the question is: Are there things I can be doing to help increase the likelihood of getting pregnant? And the answer is yes!

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Penis Dysmorphia

Penis Dysmorphia is a very real mental disorder. Just as Body Dysmorphia affects the way we see our body, penis dysmorphia changes the reality of how we perceive our penis. Men who have this condition view their penis as abnormally small to the point of shame, humiliation, and isolation. They generally avoid all sexual activity …

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