Having trouble reaching the finish line?

When we think about ejaculatory dysfunction, most people think of premature ejaculation. But we should also consider Delayed Ejaculation (DE). As the name implies, delayed ejaculation is where men have difficulty reaching climax, or perhaps can’t get there at all. Men are often praised for being able to last longer, but as any man with …

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Finding a Sexual Dysfunction Expert

Finding an expert in any field takes a lot of work. In the field of sexuality and sexual medicine, it is an even more daunting task. It’s difficult to find a doctor we feel comfortable with and finding a doctor who is comfortable with sexuality is even more challenging. Most of us turn to the …

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Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: What is it?

It is always heartbreaking to hear stories of men who have been seeking medical help but have been unable to find treatment. If a patient is suffering from pain, discomfort, and loss of bodily function, they find it extremely disheartening to be told there is nothing wrong with them by their doctor. By the time …

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Slow Freeze vs Microfreeze

The successful freezing and thawing of reproductive tissue first occurred in the 1950s. The method implemented then, which we now refer to as ‘slow freezing’, is still utilized in every reproductive laboratory today. The method combines 2 protective aspects, which work together to prevent the formation of ice crystals inside the cells: adding a cryoprotective …

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Mediterranean Diet May Prevent ED

Research over the last few years has really shown us the importance of a healthy gut. If we can’t absorb the nutrients that our bodies need, then our health can be affected, including our immune system and metabolism. Our GI tract is lined with both good and bad bacteria, which influence how we absorb our …

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