Breaking the Cycle: It’s Never Too Late

It’s very rare that we see patients who come in with only one symptom. What we often find is a pattern of related symptoms, which often started off as just one mild to moderate symptom. One reason for this is that the underlying cause (such as low testosterone, pelvic floor dysfunction, etc.) can manifest in …

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Pelvic Floor Dysfunction – Who Gets it?

We have all felt “Why me?” at some point in our lives. When it comes to Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS), this is a very common phrase we hear. The short answer is, “Because you are human.”  Basically, if you have a pelvis, things can go wrong with it. But there are a few common …

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Penile Injections for ED

When people think of treatment options for erectile dysfunction, the first thing that comes to mind is typically oral medications, such as Viagra or Cialis. Many aren’t even aware of injections as a treatment option. The truth is, we very commonly use injections as a primary treatment option for our patients. We have had patients …

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Vasectomy and Sex – What to expect

For many couples, having a reliable and permanent method of birth control equates to peace of mind. Many women are unable to take hormones for a variety of reasons; therefore, a vasectomy may be an option worth exploring. A vasectomy is a procedure done to block or cut both of the vas deferens tubes within …

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