Oral Testosterone (Jatenzo) is Finally Available

Clarus Therapeutics has finally gained FDA approval for Jatenzo, the first oral form of testosterone available in the United States. Previously, oral formulations of testosterone had been shown to cause liver toxicity. But, Jatenzo has been shown to successfully bypass the liver, instead entering the lymphatic system and then the blood circulation. Jatenzo comes in …

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Whole Person Sex Treatments

One of the most common questions I hear, even by mental health professionals, is that if sexual function issues are anxiety based, why do we recommend using medical intervention? Their assumption is that if it is not a physiological problem, why treat it medically? I could write a whole book on the interconnectedness of the …

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Does sleep have an impact on sex?

Yet another recently published article has linked sexual function in both women and men with sleep quality! An article in the March 2019 volume of The Journal of Sexual Medicine looked at approximately 2,500 men and 1,400 women over 50.  They looked to see how sleep quality and duration correlated with sexual arousal and orgasm …

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Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in Men Defined

So what exactly is pelvic floor dysfunction, also known as chronic pelvic pain syndrome? This requires a bit of male anatomy education. The pelvic floor is a complicated network of muscles that support our bowels and abdominal organs. These muscles overlap and interact with each other. Nerves and blood vessels wrap around and through these …

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Male Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: Signs and Symptoms

The pelvic floor consists of muscle, fascia, and neural tissues. As the name implies, these tissues encompass the floor of the pelvis. Dysfunction of these tissues can lead to one or several symptoms. The most common symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction are erectile, ejaculatory, and orgasm dysfunctions, chronic pain, urinary symptoms, constipation, and a decrease …

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