Sex on the Sly

Just getting through each day of quarantine is beginning to feel like winning the Super Bowl. For example, you might have thought you had this homeschool thing all worked out a few days ago. But this week, the novelty has worn off, your kids have lost focus, and they’re throwing their underwear at each other …

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How To Make Your Relationship Work While Working At Home

With couples being home together during the coronavirus outbreak, there may be a need to redefine the relationship. A humorous video I saw circulating on social media is of a man being presented with the following : “Because of coronavirus you are going to be quarantined, but you have a choice. Do you A, be …

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ASRM recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic

On March 17, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine issued a sweeping guideline, calling for US-based fertility centers to suspend all patient treatment cycles and non-urgent gamete cryopreservation in the face of the novel coronavirus outbreak. This is an unprecedented guidance- even the Zika virus did not earn a universal recommendation for cessation of all …

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Is there a link between porn and erectile dysfunction?

One of the most common concerns I hear from patients is regarding the use of pornography and masturbation. There is a lot of buzz on the Internet these days about the idea of porn addiction and websites devoted to “Porn-induced erectile dysfunction.” The topic causes a lot of anxiety and concern. I hear parents worrying …

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