It’s Not You, It’s Me

The lights are low, the playlist is perfect, the sheets are silky and you are ready for some outrageously hot sex with your partner. You’re moving and shaking and everything seems to be going well until…it’s not. OR: You and your partner used to have the greatest sex on the planet. Your bodies fit together …

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You Don’t Need to Come Out to Us.

We know that men have sex with men for many reasons and under many circumstances. Gay men’s primary sexual and romantic relationships are with other men. Some men identify as bisexual or pansexual. Other men may exclusively be in romantic relationships with women while also having sexual experiences with men. Regardless of the social labels, …

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Gay Sexual Medicine

I am often surprised when I am asked if we offer Gay Sexual Medicine (as if who a person has sex with determines sexual function). The short answer is “Yes,” but then I am really uncomfortable with that answer too! We work in Sexual Medicine – Period. Gay, bi, straight, pansexual, asexual, omnisexual, whatever – …

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Penis Dysmorphia

Penis Dysmorphia is a very real mental disorder. Just as Body Dysmorphia affects the way we see our body, penis dysmorphia changes the reality of how we perceive our penis. Men who have this condition view their penis as abnormally small to the point of shame, humiliation, and isolation. They generally avoid all sexual activity …

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