Premature Ejaculation: What causes it?

Premature Ejaculation can be very frustrating for men or couples who are experiencing it. In order to treat premature ejaculation, we must first determine the causes, if any, and explore treatments appropriate for each patient. Premature ejaculation has many contributing factors. For that matter, there are many aspects of our life that are likely contributing …

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Why Do We Crave Carbs?

Often, people who have issues with their weight complain that they have sugar cravings, feel hungry, and feel out of control with their eating. These cravings make it difficult to stop eating sweets and control food intake. Sugar cravings are not imagined and not due to a lack of willpower! Carbs and sugar are addictive …

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Finding a Sexual Dysfunction Expert

Finding an expert in any field takes a lot of work. In the field of sexuality and sexual medicine, it is an even more daunting task. It’s difficult to find a doctor we feel comfortable with and finding a doctor who is comfortable with sexuality is even more challenging. Most of us turn to the …

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So, You Think You Masturbate “Wrong”?

The word “Idiosyncratic” means something that pertains to an individual. In this case, it means a person who has a way of masturbating that is unique (or out of the ordinary).  Most men stroke their penis with their hand in a way that vaguely imitates the stimulation from intercourse. Idiosyncratic masturbation encompasses a broad variety …

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