For the Partners

One of the most common worries we hear from men who have a sexual dysfunction of any kind is that they worry that their partner blames herself and tends to feel she might be part of the problem. If a man has some sort of sexual dysfunction (usually ED or low libido), the partner often …

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Exercise your way to better sexual health.

Sexual dysfunction is often just one indicator of a bigger problem. If you’re struggling with erectile dysfunction, the answer could be as simple as improving your daily routines to include more exercise. Adding more physical activity to your lifestyle will improve the inner lining of your blood vessels, known as the endothelium. This not only …

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Sexual education: 4 things you might be wrong about.

For many Americans, sex education involved a combination of awkward conversations with Mom and Dad, preachy abstinence-only lectures at school, and sensationalist stories traded among friends. In this environment, it’s easy for myths to become accepted as facts. You might feel confident as an adult that you know all you need to know about sex, …

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Know your mortality rate? This will help.

In a recent New York Times health and wellness blog, your fitness age and lifespan was discussed. There is an increasing amount of research coming out on cardiorespiratory fitness assessments and predicting cardiovascular disease risk. Assessing an individual’s peak exercise capacity can also determine their mortality rates. A “Vo2max” or “Maximum Oxygen Consumption” is how you can measure one’s exercise capacity.

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